Subdued Master Suite

If I had been able to talk to my newly married self 3+ years ago, I would have advised against browns in the master bedroom and gone for gray instead.  Gray is my favorite's so elegant and sophisticated to me.  My preference would be to have a big fluffy white duvet {which is crazy talk now that we have a baby and dog}, some interesting throw pillows and an awesome upholstered headboard.

I put together the above mood board just to give myself a glimpse of what could be.  Can't you imagine it with some deep gray paint on the walls and a twinkling chandelier hanging over the bed?  I just want to cozy up and spend all day in that bed.

What do you think of this color scheme?

xo natasha


  1. Gray is my favorite neutral too and I love the look of white bedding. I think it's the perfect and easiest way to then add color with pillows, artwork, and accessories and be able to change it often. Gorgeous mood board!

  2. I love love love gray as a neutral. Your mood board looks awesome! The fun thing about gray is you can always add a pop of color in here and there if you wanted a quick and cheap change! Our bedroom is mostly gray with a little purple. I love it and also love that I can change the purple out for a different color any time!

  3. I'm totally with you...wish I could go back and undo my dark brown furniture purchases! Been thinking of upholstering our headboard to cut down on some of the dark!

  4. I love that color scheme... which is why I used it, too! Calming master bedrooms are my favorite.

  5. So, so prettty! I love how relaxed and cozy it feels.

  6. Natasha, I have a big fluffy white duvet and it might be the only thing that has survived my children - I love it for it's bleachability! I have seriously had mine for at least 10 years and I still love it AND it looks great. Everything else in my house has changed over the years except for that, even with the munchkins crawling into bed with us frequently :)

    Such a pretty mood board….go for it!

  7. I love this bedroom, so pretty! I am a huge fan of gray as well, especially when paired with white...and I totally agree on the white duvet, I think it would be gorgeous but I could never do it w/ Lola's hair! We're back in Tahoe btw, so just let me know when you're free! xoxo

  8. I love gray! Just bought a gray duvet for our bed and I LOVE it! Going to brighten up with some pretty pillows!

  9. Love this. I could definitely relax in here!!

  10. I LOVE this board. I actually have a grey master (although ours is a tad darker) and a white duvet. Haha....with two dogs. I wash it A LOT...but it is worth it. I love it!

  11. We will have to have you 3 over soon. This looks just like our new master at the house. I LOVE it. Tony gets to look forward to painting our room this weekend too. Lucky guy.

  12. This looks gorgeous! I agree with gray over brown. Our new room is mostly shades of brown and champagne, and although I do like the soft creams and champagnes, I am very tired of brown!

  13. I love the gray color scheme because you could really change it up with any accent color as the seasons and your preferences change. Gray is the most versatile on the neutrals in my opinion.

    I wish I could go back to when we were first married and talk us out of buying such dark black/brown bedroom and living room furniture. What were we thinking?

  14. Love this! I tried to use a gray/beige in my new house because it's such a good neutral

  15. love love love this!! We are currently in the process of moving into our new home, and right now the walls are all taped up with different benjamin moore swatches in every shade of gray you can imagine!! I am right there with you girl, gray is by far my favorite neutral and I am so happy that we steered far away from the tan/brown route :)

  16. GORGEOUS! Love love love it! Our bedroom is slowly evolving that way (gray + white), although the current paint is that builder's grade yellowy-ivory-blah color. The husband has put me on a paint ban for the time being, but once I wear him down (haha), we're going gray!

  17. ummm yes please!! love the gray palette! and i'll take the mirror, gorgeous! xoxo

  18. my room now is a light grey. and white duvets actually work great with pets (i don't know about babies). my german shepherd loves laying on my white bed, so i just have 2 of them that i can switch out when i'm washing the other one. also, you can bleach it! you can also have a small blanket at the end of your bed that you can pull up over your duvet so the blanket gets dirty, not your duvet.
